Welcome to the STARFLEET Educational Services - Moodle System...

STARFLEET Marine Corps Academy (SFMCA) is NOW Marine Training Center

Please be aware that SFMCA has changed names to Marine Training Center.  

Additionally, some terminology has changed.  Schools are now known as Colleges and Colleges are now known as Institutes.  

Largly what was within SFMCA has not changed content wise, just where it sits and what its parent category may now be called.  

The Marine Training Centre reports exclusively and directly to the Chief and Deputy Chief of Educational Services.

STARFLEET Educational Services Academy

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If this is your first time here, please click the 'Create new account button' below to setup a student account.

Please note that it can take up to 48 hours for your account to be approved.

IMPORTANT NOTE - New and Cadet Applications

Every application to join is checked with the STARFLEET member database.  You will be sent an email notification when your application is approved

NOTE: STARFLEET Academy (SFA) and STARFLEET Marine Corps Academy (SFMCA) is for members in good standing of STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association Inc. (STARFLEET).  If you are not a member of STARFLEET, your application will not be approved.  If you're interested in joining STARFLEET, please visit the STARFLEET website for more information.

CADETS: This includes our cadet members (under 18 years of age) and are considered as minors.  Minors must have a parent or guardian email the SFA Webmaster at sfiacademy.webmaster(at)gmail.com requesting to have a minor enrolled into the SFA Moodle system.  Further information will then be provided.